Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Why I Blog

Why do people blog? Is anyone listening to you? Is anyone listening to me? I blog because I have a lot going on inside me that were I to sit down with one individual and unload my life experience on them, they would no doubt be overwhelmed and exhausted before I was even half way through. Yet, I want to be known. I want to be recognized for who I am and appreciated, if not liked or loved for it.

I enjoy words. I enjoy collecting them into poems and then putting them to music. I am a songwriter and some even describe me as a musician because I play guitar and sing. I am beginning to agree with the "some" because all I seem to want to do is play guitar, write songs and sing. I do it because if I don't I feel less than me. I like me, now, and I want to do things that make me more like me. I think blogging will become one of those things I do that helps express more of me.

But it's not all about me! I've kept a journal since I was 15 years old, but no one has ever read my writings unless I explicitly read it to someone. Blogging is a whole new animal because it is meant to be seen. I guess I have a need to have my thoughts heard. Maybe you'll agree, maybe you won't. Maybe you'll think something negative about me and maybe you won't. It doesn't matter. Just having you hear/read my thoughts is valuable to me whether you like it or not. I welcome constructive criticism and encouragement alike. I especially like when people tell me how they feel, even if it is negative. It is possible to be negative without being verbally destructive. Comments that are aimed at being destructive are less welcome, but I have little control over what you say, so I am aware those comments may reveal themselves in time.

Perhaps blogging will give me the practice I need to develop writing skills worthy of a published book someday. Only God knows. I'm just enjoying the journey and dreaming bigger than my abilities so that He can do "more than I could ever think or imagine", in which case I'll know it's Him and not me.

So, welcome to my blog. I hope you find what you are searching for amongst my streams of consciousness at some point. If not, I hope you just enjoy it for what it is...expression of me.

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