Thursday, January 21, 2010

Jesus Was Chinese Today

Today Jesus gave me a massage as a young Chinese man at the Oceans Relaxation Station. Yesterday He was a young married worship leader at my church who patiently showed me how to accomplish something I wanted to do in order to feel useful that day. He was that same worship leader two Tuesdays prior when He talked me through an anxiety attack and rebuked a lie i'd been believing my whole life that I am a burden to people because of my weaknesses. After my massage today Jesus was my mother who made grits and scrambled eggs. Jesus emailed me as my sister this morning and told me how strong in faith I've become.

Sometimes Jesus speaks to my heart and He doesn't need someone else to get through to me, but I'm finding more and more that He speaks to me, loves me, encourages me and brings healing to me through other people.

I used to think He could only minister to me through those that believe in Him, but now I know that He can use anyone and anything to affect my life and bless me. What makes this possible is that I commit everything to Him in prayer and i seek Him above all else. He said if I'd do that "all these things shall be added unto me". That means when I seek Him and abide in His Love He directs me in every aspect of my life.

I needed help to relax today and i prayed that Jesus would help me find someone to give me a massage. I asked for protection from anything that isn't of Him coming through the person I was trusting to minister to me through massage therapy. Jesus answered my prayer abundantly. The massage was just what I needed and even though it came through someone whom I am pretty sure doesn't believe in Jesus, I was still blessed by Jesus because I trusted Him to use someone beyond himself. That Chinese man hadn't a clue who he was working for today. I'm not talking about me. He worked for Jesus and didn't even know it.

So, even though I wanted to thank the Chinese man for his service, Who I really want to praise and worship was, and is, Jesus Christ my healer and God my provider. With this kind of perspective I feel I'll never run out of inspiration for worship and songwriting.

Jesus is reaching out to you through all kinds of people and situations, too. He is calling your name and wanting to speak comfort and Truth to you every minute of the day. He sheds tears over your suffering, through the rain. He shows you how much He delights in you by allowing the sun to shine again. He reflects your beauty morning and evening as He paints a masterpiece across the sky to wake you up and rock you to sleep. He is there speaking his love to you through your husbands embrace, or your wife's kiss. He is revealing his mercy through your strong willed child who you think might break your heart one day. He is even embracing you with His love when you cry yourself to sleep with loneliness after your last failed relationship by giving you the pillow on which to weep.

Yes, not all these poetic words are direct correlations. Just because it rains doesn't mean Jesus is crying and just because the sun is shining doesn't mean He is pleased with you. "Without Faith it is impossible to please God." But, when you are His child you can know without a doubt that He is in, and working through, every person and situation in your life no matter how positive or negative it may appear. This is His promise to His children. He does this for those who don't trust Him yet, but the promise belongs to those who do.

I haven't always had this perspective, but true to who He is God answered my cry for help and changed my point of view. I have so much more peace knowing I can trust Him with it all-the good, the bad and the ugly.

Do you trust anyone in your life that much?

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