Saturday, January 9, 2010


This is what I'm talking about. Jesus is so good to me. After I wrote my last blog my friend who doesn't know me that well yet, read it and she had compassion and patience with me. She allowed me to tell her what I needed to feel comfortable hanging out with her and I told her. She was pleasantly surprised at how uncomplicated it was, I think, and she graciously modified a few plans to offer me the feeling of being secure and safe. I did hang out with her and her husband and other friends...for 5 hours. I enjoyed myself more than I have in a really long time, with the exception of worship practice and church, and I was so inspired when I left their house.

I felt loved, accepted, appreciated, wanted, admired even. I may have been the oldest one at the gathering, but emotionally I feel like I went from 5th grade to about college in one evening of a positive interaction.

This is the power of prayer and Love my friends. Loving each other the way that they need it so they can be the best them that they really are. Letting others Love you so you can be the best you that you are, and enjoy it.

Thank You, Jesus, for my new friends, my church and my family. Thank You for corrective experiences to heal such wounded places in my soul. Thank you for answering my sister's prayer last night and for giving my friends wisdom to know how to love and accept me for who I am, not who they wish I was.

I love You, Jesus. I'll always love You and need You, but it is such a blessing to have the gift of healthy earthly relationships to make the journey enjoyable and sometimes more bearable.

Jesus bless you and your relationships.

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