Thursday, January 7, 2010

Can You see it?

I wrote this in my journal last night and fell asleep from exhaustion, but I was so excited to post it on my blog that here I am at 5am blogging this vision I had for not only the soldiers and military personel and my dad in Iraq, but for all my brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ. I wish it could be true for everyone, but this vision belongs solely to those who have put their trust in Jesus Christ and are His heirs. It can be true for you, too, at any time if you decide to search for Jesus and trust Him with your life. Ask me, or anyone who has already done this and they will tell you how worth it it is and how it has changed everything about them.

Can you see it? Can you see who you really are? Can you see what's going on? They are watching you. They are marveling at you as you sleep, as you eat, as you work and as you weep. They are on the edge of their seat when you wake up and pray for safety. They are praising God when you face your fear and put on the armor (Ephesians 6:10...) just before you hit the front lines. They are straining back and forth looking from Jesus' face to yours as you fight. They wait for His command to intercede and protect you- whether from bodily harm or spiritual attack.

When your "day" is through and you are given opportunity to rest, they follow you back to the barracks, the tent, the apartment or the cave. They watch you struggle with yourself, your thoughts, your aching body, your wounds, your homesickness and your anger, even your numbness. They watch you open your Bible in search for strength, comfort, wisdom, purpose, understanding, hope and answers. They scratch their heads in amazement when you kneel for a moment and connect with their Master, your best friend and Savior. But...when they begin to hear you sing, whether with music or just from that deep place inside you offer praise and thanksgiving from, they can't just watch anymore. They begin to gather together around you. They join in worship and strengthen the song of your heart. They break into 10,000 part harmony and bust out their heavenly musical instruments and a concert takes place in the heavenlies above you, around you and in you.

When no one else is there to see the victory you've accomplished by not giving in, getting drunk or abusing the internet...When no one but you is aware of the temptations of your soul and flesh and the way you defeat the enemy over an over in Jesus' Name, they are watching. You are never alone. Yes, Jesus is there, too, even closer than they are. He feels it all with you. He is whispering His delight into your ear whether you can hear it or not. He is smiling with pride over you and nodding in approval as He shows you off as His child to the choir of angels dancing over you.

He is also putting you on display before your cowering enemies who have taunted you and tortured you. They are forced to kneel in humiliation as Jesus honors you before the angels of heaven and more importantly, His Father. They are forced to listen as He speaks a tribute about you in intercession on your behalf to His Father.

You may not hear it said until you meet Him face to face in eternity, but He is already saying to you, "Well done, my good and faithful servant." And beause you are a co-heir with Christ the Father joins His One and only Son and declares before the universe and all therin, "This is my child, in whom I am well pleased."

He Loves you more than you can fathom, whether you are His child or not. He longs for your heart to be united with His more than He cared about the earthly life and comfort of His only Son. He abandoned Him to make it possible to be near YOU. Yes, you!!! Life can make us doubt. Suffering can make us question, but nothing will ever deter His Love for you. Nothing will stop His persuing you with passionate devotion. You can reject Him if you choose, He won't force you to love Him back, but He won't finalize anything until you take your rejection to the grave with you. After that you are on your own. Until then, seek. Until then...SEEK! Seek and you will find. He promises to be found by you if you seek Him with all your heart as though for buried treasure. (Jeremiah 29:13, Proverbs 2:4-5)

I am praying for you.

I know I said I wasn't going to write to you, anymore, in my last blog, but that was just silly. I am blogging for myself as well as you. Take it or leave it. It's your choice, but never hesitate to comment. Jesus bless you today and always!

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