Monday, February 22, 2010

A Prayer of Praise and Petition For the Suffering Saints

Jesus woke me up very early with this prayer on my heart for myself and the precious people at my local church and community. I just want to share it with you because although my hands typed it out and my voice spoke it out through a microphone the words are not mine, they are Jesus interceding for those He loves more deeply than we can imagine. I hope you are encouraged and ignited with passion to pray for those who may suffer in ways you don't understand and especially in ways you do.

Dearest Abba Father, Friend and Savior,

I want to bring before You all of us who are suffering today. I pray for all of us who are struggling mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. I pray for those of us who are fighting for freedom from captivity to strongholds the enemy has held us in chains with for far too long. I pray for those of us who are grieving loss and longing for intimacy with You. Jesus, I praise You that You are our Deliverer. I praise you that You are our Victory. I praise you that You are our Healer and The Almighty Prince of Peace. I worship You for what You have done, what You are doing and what You will do in our lives because we love You and are called according to Your purpose. Your plans and purposes for us are not to harm us, but to give us a future and Hope in You. I praise You for Your immeasurable Love You lavish on us every day through your continuous forgiveness paid for by Your precious blood spilled from the cross of Your suffering. I praise You for the peace that surpasses understanding and the joy that gives us strength to face another day through the power of the Holy Spirit.

I pray for those who are suffering without the knowledge and assurance of Your Presence in their lives. Please reveal Yourself to them in personal and profound ways that they may receive Your Love and place their trust in You and find the freedom they've been searching for.

Thank You that You never leave or forsake us and for the freedom to worship openly in this country without fear of brutal persecution. Receive our worship now as a sweet smelling fragrance of our love and adoration for You and meet us where we are. Be our God and we will be Your people.

In the precious, Holy, Powerful Name of Jesus Christ our Messiah.


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