Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Do you know what I mean when I say I am an INFJ? I'm actually able to draw energy from being alone at times and from being with people at other times so I am actually an ENFJ also. The most obvious part of this is that I am an F. I feel everything. More powerful than even that is my intuition. It is so strong that more often than not I know how someone is feeling before they do and this gets me in trouble, a lot.

Honestly, I don't even know how to be with people, or without them. Life feels very uncomfortable right now.

I am still full of joy and hope and even peace, but I realize more and more that this world is not my home and I am seriously looking forward to my real home.

God have mercy on me and mold me into something useful for Your Kingdom because even with my best intentions I am making messes.

1 comment:

  1. May God use your messes to glorify Him. +love+

    Today my kids were listening to the bible on CD in the car and it was the story of Jesus feeding the thousands with the little bit of loaves and fish. My heart broke in a new way. Lately I feel that I hardly have even a couple "loaves and fish" to offer to God to use for His glory. But what I love about God is that He doesn't need anything really. He just wanted their willing hearts, their faith to believe that He is the answer, He is the One who takes care of every need.
    God put you here, in this city, in this year, around the people you come into contact with, for His glory. Let Him use your discomfort to draw you into compassion toward the many, many others who feel lost, abandoned, rejected and alone. God IS using your life. Whether it seems like it or not. As you walk with Him, loving Him with all your heart, and obeying Him in the little things ...this is what being "something useful" is.
    I can't wait for heaven too. I have to remind myself often that this life is just a breath in comparison.
