Saturday, June 15, 2013


HA! I just almost berated myself for forgetting something...until I remembered that i didn't forget. Yes, that IS possible and it ISN'T improper English, or poorly worded. I was asked to mail some letters. I remembered that I had taken them with me on an errand, but i temporarily forgot that I actually mailed them. During the temporary fail i was disheartened because the timing of the letter would affect several people. I was just about to give myself a tongue lashing when i remembered photographically/cinematographley that i had already completed the task and there was no need to feel or speak negatively about myself. I wonder how many times I do this with life issues more unseen and intangible than mail? I suspect quite a lot. It's sad. It's unnecessary. It isn't helpful and it doesn't just affect me. Every time I am cruel or impatient with myself the energy in my body changes color. I breath and speak that color out and it affects others around me. It would be kind of me toward others to be kinder to myself. Even if i had forgotten to mail those letters, if I can be kind to me, how much more will i also extend grace and patience to others who are imperfect? Something to think about. Something to celebrate...the right to be kind to myself ...permission to be kind to myself ...the responsibility to be kind to myself ...the choice to be kind to myself and others...

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