Friday, July 12, 2013

God is BIGGER than... pancakes?

He was young...younger than me, but older than a boy. He looked like a young, blonde Clark Kent. Maybe it was the glasses or the way he presented himself. I was immediately filled with adoration- the kind of adoration one has immediately upon seeing a puppy or a kitten. Only minutes ago I had been crying out to Jesus for His comfort...more like having it out with Jesus, but thank God He understands me or it may have seemed disrespectful. I decided I needed pancakes and eggs from Denny's. There was no question in my mind I needed pancakes from Denny's. So [Ihop-ped] in my truck and headed there. Half way I started my infamous introspective contradiction. I sat in the Denny's parking lot for a minute debating how much I really needed syrup, sausage and carb loading at 10pm. I decided to go through with my endeavor based souly on trust. Trust that God hadn't mislead me. The young man( I'll call him Clark) greeted me as I entered. He was showing a couple to their seats, but he let me know he'd be with me in a moment. I was on a mission to get some semi quick pancakes to go and I got right to it. As I placed my order I was tickled in my brain by this Clark. He was so there with me. He was serving ME. He saw me, he listened to me, he responded to me and he smiled at me. I wasn't just another customer. I was his top priority for the moment. I paid and went to sit and wait for my food to be prepared. I busied myself on my cell phone, but this delightful fellow interrupted my isolation with an offer of water while I waited. I found myself responding in the affirmative, despite my not being very thirsty, simply because I wanted to validate this young mans hospitality. I was so impressed that I went on Facebook and checked in at Denny's with a comment about how I've always appreciated their exceptional service. I had been debating what kind of tip to give him before he offered me the water. I has a $1 and a $5. I now scrunched the $5 in my pocket so it'd be ready. I just wanted to slip it to him without any weirdness... He brought my food and I found myself being very me by openly telling this young guy why I was tipping him well. "You made me smile" is what I said was the reason for my 50% tip. He said thank you and then opened the door for me. HE OPENED THE DOOR FOR ME!!! "Were you raised well? I mean, did someone teach you manners?" Oh God, I need to learn to think before I speak. He looked a bit bewildered and unsure how to respond so I continued to try and explain myself. "Well, cuz you do...have manners. It's rare. You're a gentleman. Thank you so much." I left Denny's brighter inside. It wasn't the pancakes. It wasn't the price. It was Clark. Two things I remember Clark saying: "I hope you smile the rest of the evening. Drive safe" I got in my truck and cried happy tears and heard myself saying to God, " You are so big. You're bigger than pancakes." There are things I experience that feel so awful I get to questioning a God I truly believe in because its just too big for me to understand. I'm learning to let go of figuring it all out and rest in trust that God is on my side and doing great things in me, for me, through me and with me. I experienced a revelation about God because a young gentleman smiled at me and showed me kindness and genuine interaction. It's not random. It's not over-analyzed. It's not over anything. It's the way my God is with me and I adore Him...but not like a puppy or a kitten. I adore Him like something I can't even describe yet.

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